Homemade rhubarb juice
This is what summer tastes like! My delicious rhubarb juice is the perfect refreshment on a hot day.

- rhubarb
- sugar, about 1/2 cups per 2 lbs of rhubarb
Forget about lemonade, nothing beats this refreshing rhubarb juice!
Rinse the rhubarb and cut it into small pieces.
Put the rhubarb in a pot filled with water.
Add the sugar (1 cup per lbs), but you don't have to be too serious about getting the measurements just right. I sometimes add a bit more sugar as I go along if it's needed.
Boil the rhubarb until it's soft.
Pour the mix through a strainer and put the juice in bottles or jars.
I usually put my rhubarb juice in jars rather than bottles, simply because they are so much easier to clean afterward.
Recipe: Sara Bäckmo
Photo: Maria Strömberg Bååth