Delicious elderberry capers
These elderberry capers are the perfect topping on any pizza or pasta dish. So delicious!

- 2 cups (1/2 liters) unripe elderberries
- 1/2 tbsp salt
- 1 tbsp granulated sugar
- 1 1/2 cups ( 3 1/2 dl) water
- 1/2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
- around 3 1/2 (1/2 dl) tbsp vinegar essence
This fun new recipe comes from my reader Matilda Mattsson. She writes: I have a huge elderberry tree here at home and I don't really have time to take care of all the flowers. So instead, I decided to make elderberry capers. Use the berries when unripe and still green.
Thank you for the recipe Matilda!
Turn the oven to 230 degrees (110 degrees Celsius) and sterilize the jars. Remember to remove any rubber packings before you put the jars in the oven.
Rinse and clean the berries.
Boil the berries in 4 cups (around 1 liter) of water, for 5 minutes.
Mix 1 1/2 cups (3 1/2 dl) of water with the salt, granulated sugar, apple cider vinegar, and vinegar essence. Bring to a boil.
After boiling the berries for 5 minutes, rinse them in cold water and then put them in the warm liquid you just prepared.
Cook the berries at low heat for 10 minutes.
Pour the berries into a strainer but save the pickling liquid.
Add the berries to your clean jars and pour the pickling liquid over them.
Store somewhere cool and serve after a week or so.
Opening up a jar of homegrown elderberry capers feels so luxurious! These capers will be a wonderful topping on pizza, pasta or a salad. Yum!
Recipe: Matilda Mattsson
Photo: Maria Fors Östberg