My homemade potato chips
Making homemade potato chips really puts me in the weekend mood. My kids love them too!

- 2 large potatoes per person
- rapeseed oil or a similar deep-frying oil
- salt
- herbs or spices
Homemade potato chips are so good! It takes a while to make them but it's easier if someone helps you. Just make sure that you don't let small kids come to close to the oil, it's very hot.
I like leaving the skin on the potatoes, if it's not too bruised.
Rinse or peel the potatoes and remove any ugly spots.
Slice the potatoes thinly in a mandoline and put the slices in a bowl of water for a little while.
Pour the slices in a strainer.
Put all of the potato slices on a towel and then cover with another towel.
Flatten and leave them to dry for a few minutes.
Heat the oil to 320-360 degrees (160-180 degrees Celsius) in a deep fryer or a pot.
Carefully lower the potato slices into the oil and deep-fry until the chips get some color.
Stir now and then so that they are evenly cooked.
Remove the chips from the oil and put them in a strainer with a paper towel in the bottom.
Put the chips in a bowl and season with salt.
You could just as well use a herbal salt or season the homemade potato chips with dried herbs or spices, for example garlic powder and chili. Delicious!
Recipe: Sara Bäckmo
Photo: Maria Fors Östberg