Homemade cold-pressed kale juice
I don't know what could be healthier than this vitamin-packed green kale juice. The entire family loves it!

- a handful of kale leaves
- two apples or pears
- half a lemon
- a tablespoon of honey
My kids have fallen in love with this bright green vegetable juice. That's why I started growing even more kale than usual this spring. I make the juice with kale, lemon, apple, and honey. You need a juicer to make it, even though this beverage has more of a smoothie-like texture. I hope you will like my kale juice as much as my kids do!
Cut the apples into wedges, you don't need to peel them or remove the seeds.
Add lemon juice and start the machine.
Put an apple in the juicer, add the kale leaves and finish with another apple.
Heat the honey in the microwave until it melts, and add it to the juice.
You can serve the kale juice as a delicious afternoon treat. Or why not have it with your breakfast?
Recipe: Sara Bäckmo
Photo: Maria Fors Östberg