Oak Hill Cottage Garden - September 2019
It's September, but that doesn't mean that I'm done harvesting! It's time for a full work day in the garden, and I'm looking forward to harvesting napa cabbage at Oak Hill.

The flowers are starting to look a bit worse for wear, but it's just about time to harvest my napa cabbage at Oak Hill Cottage Garden.
My months here at Oak Hill Cottage Garden haven't exactly been filled with activities, simply because I haven't had the time. I mostly spent my summer working in the kitchen garden and finishing my latest book. This is actually my first whole work day at Oak Hill since I got the house.
Join me on my busy day at Oak Hill Cottage Garden:
One of my favorite vegetables here at Oak Hill this fall is napa cabbage. It's been a real nuisance, trying to keep the large cabbage heads secret from everyone online. Instead, I had to be content sharing my joy and pictures with a select few. Growing napa cabbage at Oak Hill has been a complete success, from start to finish. I can't wait to do it all again next year!
Check out the video below to see how I harvest my napa cabbage in September, around two months after direct-sowing the seeds in the bed. You can also see how I built the bed in this video:
One of my goals this year was to not start too many projects that might look unfinished and messy with time. A friend of mine described this place as my showroom after all, and I really like that description. I want it to look nice and neat, but I haven't been able to follow through completely.

Dill and napa cabbage on the violet hill here at Oak Hill. The cabbage has been growing underneath a row cover, and I have been adding grass clippings etc on the side. And bokashi compost. I put a pallet and row cover on top to keep the animals from getting to my compost. It worked really well!

Fall is in the air! The oak leaves start turning yellow and my summer flowers are withering away a little. Some of my sunflowers were still nice and healthy until the first week of October though! Amazing.

I have so many more opportunities with this new place! I had to build my little studio at home in a wood shed, but now I can film material for some of my videos here instead!
I'm going to post new videos from Oak Hill Cottage every week on my YouTube channel. Don't forget to subscribe and hit the notification bell so that you don't miss any new videos!
And of course, you can continue to read more about Oak Hill Cottage on the blog too. I hope you are excited about this project! Let me know what you think in the comments below.
/Sara Bäckmo
18. February 2020