My video guide about bokashi compost
How does bokashi compost work? Is it expensive? Can you use it during winter? Bokashi is the key to success in my garden, so I made this video guide to help you get started too.

The soil that I have made from bokashi compost is amazing! I keep it in bags in my polytunnel to protect it from frost.
I have made a whole series on YouTube where I show how I use bokashi during the year. In seven parts I show how the handling in both summer and winter time. I get a lot of questions about why I use this composting method and not a traditional household compost. People want to know how it works, and most of all if it really does work! Sometimes it is difficult to understand without having seen how bokashi can be used, so I wanted to show some of my methods and hopefully, you will be inspired and try it yourself.
In part one, I briefly tell you what bokashi compost is and show how I make compost of our household waste.
I did an experiment to see how long it would take for bokashi to turn into soil. The results are incredible, so easy and time-saving
It is really easy to use bokashi even in pots or containers. I use it to improve and create new soil, even in fall, I make new sowings.
The worms just love the bokashi compost and do a great job turning the compost into the soil.
So, how do the worms get into the bokashi compost, and how on earth did they become too many? Did I plant them in there and how do they get out?
One of the many benefits of using the bokashi method is that I don't have to see all those piles of compost laying around in my garden. I put them to good use and start growing vegetables in them instead. It works really well!
Is it possible to keep using bokashi during winter when you live in a cold part of the world? This is one way to take care of bokashi compost during winter.
If you like my videos, I would be really happy if you would subscribe to my channel here: Sara's Kitchen Garden.
You can also read more about how to use bokashi compost in your garden here: Bokashi compost in your garden.
Would you like to read more about how bokashi works, ask questions and get more inspiration I recommend this page on Facebook: Bokashiworld.
Bokashi is available in well-sorted stores and garden shops, but I find it the easiest to just buy it online.
/Sara Bäckmo
In order to be completely transparent, I would like to emphasize that the post is not sponsored by companies that sell bokashi compost. I have bought and selected all the products myself and used the method frequently for several years.
02. January 2019