Sprouting in a Strainer
A friend of mine does her sprouting in a strainer. So easy and convenient! It really works. Try it!

This is what my delicious mung bean sprouts look like when ready! I had some of them on my sandwiches today, and even grabbed a handful for my Jerusalem artichoke soup. Sprouting is so much fun!
I recently got very into sprouting, which I wrote a little about here on the blog the other day. I just can't get enough of them and I seem to want them with everything I eat. A simple sandwich with butter, sprouts and herbal salt might for example sound a little basic. But I think it's absolutely delicious!
I wanted to expand on this subject by sharing a very simple and effective sprouting tip...
More about sprouting: How to Sprout Anything at Home
Sprouting the easy way
I use a clay sprouter here at home, but you don't need any fancy tools to do sprouting. A strainer or colander works just fine. My friend Katinka taught me that.
All you need to do is to rinse and soak your seed for a few hours, or overnight. This will make the seeds swell and sprout faster. I only use seeds that are made for sprouting, simply because I know that seeds that we use for sowing might have gone through different treatments. This way, I also don't need to do a lot of research about which seeds from which companies are actually suited for sprouting and not. I just buy the ones I know are instead.
More about growing indoors: How to grow pea shoots

Sprouting can be as simple as this! Mung bean sprouts grow so quickly in a strainer.
Pour the seeds into a regular fine-mesh strainer. Put the strainer over your sink or in a bowl. Rinse a few times a day and shake the seeds. Wait a few days, and then you have plenty of sprouts to munch on!
Using a strainer is actually a really great method, since you don't leave the seeds in the water and they get plenty of air from all sides. Just make sure to shake them now and then. Try it!
A lot of you have been asking me about where I got my clay sprouter. I bought it from a company called Cult Design, but they don't seem to sell them anymore. There are plenty of other options out there though, just search for clay sprouter and I'm sure you can find something you like. Good luck!
/Sara Bäckmo