Freezing homegrown corn
Freezing homegrown corn is actually really easy! I either freeze the entire cobs or remove the kernels first. This is how I do it.

I'm freezing homegrown corn for later.
I often try to freeze my homegrown vegetables, and corn is no exception. After all, what could possibly be better than creating a little stash of golden yellow sweetcorn for later? You can freeze the cobs whole, cut them into pieces or freeze the kernels only. I'm freezing homegrown corn, but you can of course also freeze the corn you buy in the supermarket too.
Read more about corn: Companion planting corn and tomatoes
Freezing it fresh
Of course, you need a lot less space in the freezer if you only freeze the kernels, rather than putting the entire cobs in there. Some seasons, I have had to take care of more than seventy cobs at ones. When you get that many, it's a lot easier to freeze the kernels of course.
Freezing corn is actually really easy. You don't need to parboil the corn or do anything in particular before freezing. All you need to do is remove the green leaves surrounding the cob.

I use a sharp knife to remove the kernels from the cob when I'm freezing corn at home.
Remove the kernels
I know that you can buy particular corn peelers that separate the kernels from the cobs, but I never bothered to get one. Instead, I use a knife. It works really well! Simply turn the cob as you go along so that you cut the kernels close to the cob. After that, I simply put the kernels in a bag or a container and freeze it.
They taste great, even while still partially frozen. My kids love munching on them half-thawed. Kind of like frozen, yellow pieces of candy.
More content from Sara's Kitchen Garden on YouTube: Sara's Kitchen Garden

The kernels smell amazing. It's time to freeze them now!
Freezing corn cobs
Like I said earlier, you can of course also freeze the cobs whole. It's super easy!
- remove the leaves surrounding the cobs
- clean up the ends
- break the cobs into smaller pieces if you want to
- put them in a large bag and freeze
I really enjoy growing corn, mainly because it's so easy to deal with. Corn is very low-maintenance during the summer, and I don't need to do much to prepare the harvest either.
/Sara Bäckmo